Education is an indispensable basis for a successful life. Your donation will benefit teachers, books and extracurricular activities so young people can get off to a good start.
We often take basic healthcare for granted. Yet many in Sri Lanka have to do without it. We are committed to giving disadvantaged young people and adults access to the care they need.
The community is actually a kind of extended family. They are the people we encounter every day, the familiar faces. SML believes that if we strengthen the community as a whole, this also contributes to people's individual development.
This committee helps with the legal matters of the poor and needy in particular and provides free legal aid to people who have no knowledge of the law and are unable to afford a lawyer. This is supported by national and international lawyers and organizations.
Human Rights Committee
This committee helps to promote awareness of human rights, children's rights and children's education. Contribute to the peace-building process by offering services for mediation between parties in disputes. Take institutional/legal steps to provide comfort to victims and minimize human rights violations. Contributing to sustainable peace and development. Women's rights, women's development, children's rights. To help create a harmonized society with a broader social identity. To promote the cause of human rights, peace and harmony, development, good governance through seminars, publications, representations to government, meetings and seminars. To promote freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and a peaceful and harmonious existence of all citizens.
Mission Lanka Institute
Objectives of the program:
Children are actively involved in tackling problems such as absence and high absenteeism in schools. Parents/community is actively involved in addressing absences and absenteeism and in constant dialogue with school authorities on receiving quality education for children. Civil society organizations are actively involved in advocating with the provincial ministry for sufficient resources for disadvantaged areas. Schools and communities actively participate in maintaining quality education and addressing gender discrimination in schools.
Activities :
# Drawing up an action plan for child education for the age group 5-14 years and implementing it.
# Awareness of children about the value of education and their rights to education.
# Workshops for government officials on strengthening government-community ties.
# Discussions with school management on adequate allocation of resources to schools.
# Gender training for communities.
# Parental relationship with schools about quality education for children.
# Assess the nutritional status of children in project areas and create awareness about nutrition.
# Awareness of social organizations about education for children between the age group of 5 to 14 years.
# Discussion with relevant authorities on the responsibilities of the nutrition and child education sector.
Youth Committee
Youth committees work with teenagers. Youth Leadership identifies the three major phases of adolescent leadership development. It outlines practical tactics for developing leadership skills through experiences at home, school, in the community, and at work. In addition, it aims to show how adults in these environments can have a positive impact on young people. From teachers and principals to directors of community programs and religious institutions, anyone interested in developing youth leadership can turn to the Youth Committee for information and guidance. An invaluable tool to nurture the citizens and leaders of tomorrow.
The potential for adolescent leadership.
1. Adolescents as leaders.
2. Development needs.
3. How adolescents develop leadership.
Part Two: The Stages of Leadership Development.
4. Phase one: awareness.
5. Phase Two: Growth and Activity.
6. Phase Three: Mastery.
Part Three: Leadership Development Strategies.
7. How adults can promote leadership development.
8. What organizations and communities can do.
9. Training and programming issues.
10. Sustainable leadership development.
Social Service Committe
Social innovation is the process of developing and applying effective solutions to challenging social and environmental issues.
# Community Development
# Climate change
# Family and social services
# Education
# Art and culture
# Healthcare
# Research and policy
# Human rights
# Fellowship
# Tech for good
# media and apps
# Project financing